Wednesday Gatherings at 7:00 pm
With ministries for youth students
And for children
1220 Cincinnati Rd
Georgetown, KY 40324
(502) 863-5233
Wednesday Night Fellowship FREE Meal - 6-6:40 pm in the Family Room. This meal is free to our community and church family as well. This week will Pizza night with salad and dessert. We need a lot more volunteers to help with cooking, cleaning and serving; see Betty Jo if you can help.
Young Adults - we are moving our young adults services from Friday nights to Wednesday nights 7 pm in the SLC. They will meet upstairs in the classroom with Zach Taylor. If you have any questions please see Zach. If you are between ages 18-26 we want you to make plans to join us.
We are hoping to put a digital pictorial directory together soon. If you haven’t had your picture taken yet, please do this. We will not be sharing any personal information, just your name.
Thank you to all those who worked hard to make our Annual Business Meeting/Celebration a success. The presentations were excellent and the meal was fabulous.