SUNDAYS | 9am | 10:30am WATCH LIVE
Stuff The Bassinette! Starting this week and concluding next Sunday, March 16, we will be Stuffing The Bassinette with wonderful baby shower gifs for Austin & Pamela Smith whose baby twin boys were born on Thursday Night. The bassinette is located in the Foyer for you to drop off your items.
Annual Taste of Missions Banquet, Wednesday, March 12, 6pm, in the Spirit Life Center. You don’t want to miss this event. Come and join in the fun by tasting all the wonderful flavors from around the world. There will be special Missionary guests for you to enjoy also. Sign-up sheets are in the foyer for you to sign-up to bring your favorite international dish.
Young Adults - we are moving our young adults services from Friday nights to Wednesday nights 7 pm in the SLC. They will meet upstairs in the classroom with Zach Taylor. If you have any questions please see Zach. If you are between ages 18-26 we want you to make plans to join us.
Congratulations to Himaya Mashibe for receiving the National JBQ Bible Quoter Award! Himaya was able to answer all quotation questions and quote 107 scripture verses in one sitting! Good job Himaya!
Help Us Fill Easter Eggs! Pastor Amy is asking for individuals to take home a bag of empty Easter Eggs and return them filled with candy or small prizes. Please have all eggs returned to the church by Sunday, April 13.
- Annual Not Alone Pregnancy Center Banquet, Friday, March 21, 6:30 pm, Northside Christian Church. The church will be covering the cost of the tickets, but we would like for you to make a donation for the evening meal and festivities.
- New Adult Classes Starting in March -
March 19 -April 23 - The Easter Experience - Gil & Robin Parmley, Family Room
March 05-March 26 - Pastor Carl will be teaching in the Sanctuary on The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Saul’s Conversion, and The Church Begins. Come out and get connected with your Trinity Family while enjoying these great teachings! - Men’s Basketball - On Sunday, March 23rd, we will be playing basketball following the second service. We would love for several guys to come out and join us. This will be a great time of connection and competition. We will also have the March Madness basketball tournament playing on the big screen.
- A New Growth Track class will be starting on Wednesday, April 02, 7 pm. If you are interested in membership, baptism or just general information about Trinity and the Assemblies of God this class is for you. Pastors Jason & Samantha Rice are facilitating this class, and it will run for 5 weeks.
- Trinity’s Annual Ranger Derby, Saturday, April 12. This event is open to all students (male & female). For more information, contact Bill Turner. You can also use this link to pre-register.
https://www.kyroyalrangers.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/2025_pinewood_derby_registration_new.pdf - Things are progressing at the Scott County Detention Center! Randy Gregory & Mark Roszkowski are teaching discipleship classes and they are beginning a study on the Spirit-Filled Follower of Jesus, and they have recently ordered 50 books! The cost of the books is $9 each, if you would like to help the Jail Ministry absorb these costs, please put Jail Book on your check or envelope.