Men are different. The common perception is men are self-reliant, don't feel, don't touch, don't need fellowship, are too macho and are very competitive. Men see life as a puzzle.
According to churchformen.com:
A significant number of churchgoing men attend out of habit, unaffected by what they hear.
Quite a few men go to church simply to keep their wives/mothers/girlfriends happy.
The majority of men who attend church do nothing during the week to grow their faith.
Relatively few churches are able to establish or maintain a vibrant men's ministry.
Men's groups are not about having a club or a guild (people with common interests or goals). It's about integrating men into church. It's about camaraderie, affirmation, personal development and spiritual growth.
At Trinity, our Men's Ministry has three goals:
1. Reaching men through outings and activities.
2. Teaching men through Bible studies and conferences.
3. Releasing men to serve in every area of their lives.
We do various activities and special events throughout the year. We'd love to have you join us and become a part of this group. Some of our special events include:
Father/Son outings
Ladies' Dinner - Served by the men of Trinity
Couple's Retreats